I started working with Dr Al-Falaki in September 2019. Within four months, the website was launched, her book was published and we built a presence across several social media channels, as well as conducting radio and TV appearances both in the UK and in America.
My role was all encompassing, including:
Art direction for the website
Social media management
Project co-ordination
Content creation
Dr Rana Al-Falaki has had over twenty years’ experience as a world leader in her field, establishing and growing a successful business. She is a pioneering researcher, writer, international speaker and trainer.
The author of ‘Women Who Want More: How to create a balanced & fulfilled Life’, she is a certified professional life and business mastery coach and trainer, a core-energy™ coach and energy leadership index master practitioner, and founder of Light Changes Coaching.
With a unique approach to making daily life fun, Dr. Al-Falaki offers practical and effective advice that is geared for women (can also be used by men) to turn the impossible into the possible. The book helps readers create positive change in every aspect of their life, ranging from small changes in daily habits to big changes in career and profession.
Women Who Want More is simple yet practical. Featuring a host of powerful and effective techniques to boost productivity and increase self-awareness, the book offers information on a full spectrum of issues that affect the modern-day human, ranging from health, fitness and diet to career, money and family. When it comes to empowering women, Dr. Al-Falaki uses the motto “compromise is overrated” in order to imbue her female readers with the confidence to rise above limiting barriers deployed by society. The book also includes guided meditations and comes with downloadable resources so readers can truly implement the book’s teachings.
During the primary stages, I worked on the art direction of Dr Al- Falaki’s website as well as the book cover and layout. This involved liaison with the publishers and designers.
Following the completion of the book, I built Social Media profiles on Instagram and Facebook to compliment her Twitter and to support the website and the book.
The Book Launch involved radio interviews, social media marketing and PR.
The book became a Bestseller in the UK, Canada, USA and Australia almost immediately, with hundreds of copies sold in the first day (9th January 2020).
Rana has since had requests for radio and TV interviews, and her social media following has increased.